Recognizing Some Special Friends from this Journey!
Michael Romano: Michael was one of my best friends at MSKCC. Even at the hardest times, he never failed to have a smile on his face. Definitely one of the bravest boys I knew, he inspired me in so many ways and was a true fighter. And of course, I must say, he was the Yankees' #1 fan! Michael's courage and strength and ovewhelming optimism continues to inspire me today but I know that Heaven gained an Angel in Michael. An angel on my shoulders.

Nicole Gioia: Nicole is a great friend of mine from MSKCC. One of the happiest, and most upbeat people I know, she helped me get past my fear of IVs and needles at a time when I really needed a few laughs and some support. Nicole is an amazing advocate for the Leukemia and Lymphone Foundation, promoting awarness about helping other kids with cancer. She also runs the Nicole Gioia Bone Marrow Drive, because just like me, she understands how hard but important it is to find bone marrow marches for patients in need of transplants.
Hannah Crossley: Hannah was one of my closest friends at MSKCC. We were treated together and often shared inpatient rooms together. She had an incredibly optimistic outlook on life. I remember her teaching me video games at MSKCC and her big bright smile. We both attended Happiness is Camping together for a few summers. Hannah fought bravely after her relapse. We miss you so much!

Marion Shapiro: Marion was my tutor at MSKCC. To this day, we are best friends! Not only did she keep me up to date with my work while I missed about a year and a half of school, but she's also the teacher who made me really excited about learning. She's a great friend who I love to meet in Manhattan every once in a while for some Chinese! A special thank you to Marion for taking me to see Hairspray and meet Haylie Duff! Always on the same page, same book!

Francesco Loccisano: Frankie was a good friend of mine from MSKCC and school. Although Frankie was treated for osteosarcoma much later than me, we were still good friends who happened to attend the same school in New York. Frankie always had a smile on his face but I'm even more inspired by how much he cared about the other patients at Sloan and how much of a great friend he was for so many of them. We miss you! Check on Frankie's Mission site by clicking the picture below. Frankie's Mission was created by his mom as a foundation that helps families of children with cancer meet their financial needs.
