About Alexandra

Alexandra is a bright, funloving girl with a very inquisitive mind. She LOVES to ask questions about anything and everything and always wants to learn about new people, places and things. She loves being with her friends and family, specially her younger sister, Sophia, who is her best friend. She really enjoys spending time with her many cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. She is currently a junior in high school. She loves to read and LOVES writing. Alexandra is a Senior in Girl Scouts and loves helping others. At school, she enjoys writing for the newspaper and leading the Cambodia Club that raises money for children's education in Cambodia. Alexandra loves playing sports; her favorites are skiing, swimming and tennis. Her favorite subjects in school are science, history and math. She loves traveling and dreams of someday visiting France and Greece. When she grows up she wants to be Pediatric Oncologist and an author and play clarinet on Broadway. Alexandra loves playing the clarinet and is enrolled in the Manhattan School of Precollege Division, where she is one of the 1st clarinetists in the Repertory Orchestra. She has played the piano for the past four years, took ballet for three years and has been in Girls Scouts for eight years. She loves scrapbooking, knitting, being with friends, and dancing. Alexandra loves keeping herself busy and has found a new interest in photography. She loves entering contests and has won a few. As a matter of fact, in September 2004, she won an essay writing contest that was sponsored by the New York City Pen Show. The prize was a $1,000.00 savings bond! In 2008, she won a writing/sports contest and traveled to Beijing, China to witness the Paralympic Games. She keeps busy from the moment she wakes up in the morning (usually with a very bad case of "bed-head" hair) until her head hits the pillow again at night.

Alexandra with Dad, Mom and Sophia accepting the essay writing contest award, September, 2004.