Quilts of Love- This is an amazing non profit organization that creates "quilts of love" for children with cancer. Alexandra recently had one made.

Happiness is Camping- This is a wonderful sleepaway camp in Blairstown, NJ and it is a great place for children with cancer and their siblings to bond and have fun. The camp provides fun activities for all of the kids and really helped Alexandra and Sophia.

Camp Sunshine- This is a non profit organization that provides weeks of fun for children with life-threatening diseases and their families. This camp is located in Casco, Maine and has been a great support for our family, the past six years.

Amputee Coalition of America- This is an American organization that sponsors fundraisers, camps, and special events for amputees. This organization sponsors a Youth Amputee Camp that Alexandra attends.

Alex's Lemonade Stand- This is the inspiring story of a young girl named Alex who raised millions of dollars for childhood cancer by selling lemonade at a lemoade stand outside her house. People around the world have continued to sell lemonade through Alex's lemonade stands and have raised over $16 million to date.

American Cancer Society- This society is one of the few non profit organizations based in America that has raised millions of dollars for cancer research across the nation. This society sponsors annual "Relay for Life" events that honor cancer survivors and cancer angels.

Gilda's Club- This organization provides support for those whose lives have been affected by cancer. Gilda's Club "houses" are located all across the nation, including Washington DC and NYC. This club offeres meetings for children and adults where people can express their feelings about how cancer has affected them.

A Step Ahead- This is the wonderful prosthetics company that Alexandra goes to for adjustments on her prosthesis. Alexandra recently recieved a C-Lef from Erik Shaeffer. A Step Ahead offers athletic groups for amputees of all ages to become more active. Alexandra is part of Junior Team A Step Ahead.

Pennsylvania Center for Adaptive Sports- This is the center for adaptive sports in Pennsylvania. This center sponsors the Amputee Ski Camp at Camelback that Alexandra attends. Alexandra loves the ski camp program and greatly appreciates the PCAS.


Learn More About Pediatric Cancer

Overall Review of Osteosarcoma- This site provides information about the symptoms, screening, diagnosis and treatment of Osteosarcoma. This informatino comes from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

Osteosarcoma Facts- This site provides various facts about osteosarcoma including diagnosis procedures and risk factors. This information comes from Osteosarcoma Online.

Osteosarcoma Review- This site provides all information on Osteosarcoma. This information comes from the American Cancer Society.

Childhood Cancer Facts- This site shares important facts about childhood cancer in the United States. This information comes from the Pediatric Cancer Foundation.