Frankie Loccisano Memorial Foundation's
The Walk to the Bridge for Frankie's Kids 2012
Upcoming event... September 15, 2012!

Calling all my Brooklyn, NY friends! Come out Saturday, September 15th to the 69th St Pier in Bay Ridge for a walk to the Verrazano Bridge! The funds raised from the event will directly benefit the Francesco Loccisano Memorial Foundation, which provides financial assistance to families affected by cancer. Most of you know that this amazing Foundation is run by Camille Loccisano, the mother of one Frankie, a dear friend of mine (and amputee) who passed away after a courageous battle with cancer. Come out alone or with a team and walk for a great cause!
Camp Sunshine Rhythm Runway Future Fantasy Fashion Show 2010
As part of an ongoing effort to support our beloved Camp Sunshine, I am proud to participate in the Rhythm Runway (run by NYU) Future Fantasy Fashion Show benefitting the Family Sponsorship program at camp. Camp Sunshine has been such as integral part of our lives: camp offers week-long retreats in Casco, Maine where families of children with life-threatening illnesses can bond, find support, and have fun! We are excited to attend each year!
The Future Fantasy Show: Saturday, December 4, 2010 at 8:30pm atop the Empire Hotel in NYC. There will be a fabulous line-up of models (some from Project Runway) who will walk the newly built runway! I am honored to be able to speak at the show about what Camp Sunshine has meant to me, and to walk the runway in a gorgeous dress!
6:30-8:00pm cocktail hour; 8:30-9:00pm fashion show; 10:00pm after-party! COME!

Frankie Loccisano Memorial Foundation
The second annual Francesco Loccisano Memorial Foundation HopeFest is on November 22, 2009. The Foundation will be honoring Jeffrey J. Basti, Salvatore C. Ferrera, Kelli Kilbride, and Shannon Rose O'Brien. I will be presenting "the Michele Grace Marciano Award" (formerly the Hope Award that I received last year), to Shannon Rose O'Brien. I am excited to be attending the HopeFest this year! The Foundation has made great strides this year towards aiding the burdens of the families of children with cancer. As I told Frankie's mom Camille a few weeks ago, the Foundation "directly aiding the families in need of help." Please support this great organization, and buy a ticket to the HopeFest; make a donation on the web site! I look forward to a great night!

Click Here to download the HopeFest 2009 Journal Form
Click Here to learn more about the HopeFest 2009
Click Here to learn more about the Francesco Loccisano Memorial Foundation
Amputee Coalition of America
Paddy Rossbach Youth Camp Pebble Parties 2009

The Amputee Coalition of America has been hosting a series of "Pebble Parties" throughout the country this year. The parties are aimed at benefitting the "Paddy Rossbach Youth Camp." This camp is held for a five-day session every summer, in which young amputees enjoy a great camping experience together. The camp excels in helping young amputees from around the nation bond and socialize with one another. I have attended these camps five years in a row, but was unable to attend last year due to cut funding. These pebble parties are a response to the cut funding of the youth camp, and are aiming towards raising money to send more kids to camp next year. I spoke at the NYC Pebble Party held at the Harvard Club in October. I had a great time meeting everyone from the ACA and explaining to donors to the camp why the camp meant so much to me, as an amputee.

Click Here to learn more about the Amputee Coalition of America.
Click Here to direct the the Paddy Rossbach Youth Camp Home Page
Click Here to read an article about the NYC Pebble Party at the Harvard Club
Frankie Loccisano Memorial Foundation HOPEFEST 2008
Many of you know of Alexandra's friend Frankie Loccisano who passed away from Osteosarcoma. Frankie's mother created a memorial foundation in his name called "The Frankie Loccisano Memorial Foundation." The foundation's main goal is to lead the way for health and happiness for every child by fighting pediatric cancer. The foundation will have its first HopeFest this coming October 2008. Alexandra will be honored at this HopeFest and is delighted to have the oppurtunity to spread the word to more people about pediatric cancer. One of New York's members of the NYPD, Matt Long along with Tom Kane will also be honored at the HopeFest. Thank you Camille for all of the great work you are doing!!!
Click Here to download the HopeFest 2008 Journal Form
Click Here to learn more about Frankie Loccisano and the Memorial Foundation
Daddy and I dancing at the Gala. Daddy, thanks for dancing with me! I love you with all of my heart and you're the best dad ever!
Gilda's Club Annual Benefit Gala: Celebrating Women of Distinction 2007

This event was a Benefit Gala, celebrating women of distinction, sponsored by Gilda's Club NYC. The annual Benefit Gala was held at the Pierre Hotel, where Alexandra was asked by the CEO of Gilda's Club NYC to speak there. Alexandra delivered her speech in front of over 400 people and she did great. An auctioneer even used Alexandra to persuade some guests to donate money to Gilda's Club. The family all had a great time at the Benfit Gala and we even had the chance to meet Mr. Rockefeller, who personally complimented Alexandra on her speech. Please take some time to read Alexandra's speech once we post it.

November 15, 2007
Click Here to learn more about Gilda's Club NYC.
Click Here to read the article from GildaGram about the event.
Camp Sunshine New York Pumpkin Festival 2007

Camp Sunshine NYC Pumpkin Festival 2007
Central Park
Saturday October 27, 2007

Break the Guisness World Record!
All proceeds will go to Camp Sunshine, a retreat for children with life-threatening illnesses and their families.
Join the Fun! There will be live music, face painting, pumpkin carving, great food, children's activities and magic shows!
Come Join the Event and Volunteer at the Pumpkin Fesival!

Gilda's Club Noogiefest Halloween Bash 2007
Celebrate Noogiefest Halloween Bash!
Join the fun with Special Costume Prizes and a Special Appearance from the Big Apple Circus!
*October 26, 2007- 5:30pm - 8:00pm*
Relay for Life: Bay Ridge, NY June 2007
Relay for Life is a legendary fundraiser where supporters and cancer victims honor those who lost the battle to cancer and those survived. The girls participated in this event 6/16/07 and had a great time celebrating and honoring victims of cancer at the local Fort Hamilton High School.... We thought of Michael Romano...
MSKCC'S Rock & Run on the River Celebrating Life Beyond Cancer Annual Walk 2007
This event was MSKCC's first annual walk to honor those who lost the battle to cancer and those who survived. The girls participated in the run on June 10th and Alexandra walked 3.5 miles--- it was tough but Alexandra felt she had to do it and more importantly she wanted to! Great Job Girls!!! The walk was followed by a festival of activities and singing. Alexandra even participated in a video confessional where she explained her situation and how the walk affected her.
Bike-a-Thon for Alexandra!! 2004
This Bike-a-Thon was held for Alexandra in May 2004 at the 69th St. Pier in Brooklyn, NY. The Bike-a-Thon was trying to raise money to help with the medical bills Alexandra still had from suregery and chemotherapy. Alexandra had a great time at the event, even though she has not yet learned to ride a bike with her leg. Many friends came from school, some teachers and some reporters from The Home Reporter weekly newspaper! The Bike-a-Thon was a huge success. Thank you for all attending.
Bowl-a-Thon for Alexandra!! 2002
This Bowl-a-Thon was held for Alexandra in 2002. The Bowl-a-Thon helped our family cover the costs of Alexandra's prothstesis and her medical bills for chemo, surgery, etc. Alexandra's cousins came in from Connecticut to bowl for the cause as well as kids from Alexandra and Sophia's school! The Bowl-a-Thon was held at Mark Lanes in Brooklyn, NY. Thanks to everyone who came to help Alexandra!